Post Six is happy to have Coach Gary Harley back in the dugout for his 13th season with the program! Coach Harley spent about 9 years coaching collegiate ball at the Junior College, NAIA, and NCAA Div 2 levels before coming home. Coach Harley will work with the Post 6 outfielders, assist with hitters, coach 1st base, and serve as Manager Ty Lains bench coach. In Coach Harley’s 12 previous years with the Post 6 program, Gary spent 5 years coaching the Hawks including one year as the Hawks Manager. The rest have been spent in the dugout with Manager Ty Lain and The Sixers (minus one year away from baseball in 2018). Every year Gary has been a part of the varsity program as a player and coach, The Sixers won a State Title for a total of 10. Coach Harley credits so much of what he does as a coach to the men he played for and coached along side. That includes Post 6 Hall of Famers Tagg Lain, the late Mark Robert, Chace Tavelli, and Jade Lain among many others. Coach Harley’s words on what it means to be a Sixer: “Outside of my family, nothing has been in my life as long as my Post 6 family. I love being a Sixer and representing everything that Post 6 is about. I will never be able to repay the program for what it’s given me, but I will try to close that gap and continue giving it everything I can!” Gary on why he coaches: “I’ve been so blessed to play for and coach alongside so many great men in my life. I continue to learn from all the coaches I work with to this day. I just want to give that back and pay it forward to the young people in Cheyenne. It’s a calling and my purpose in life to work with young people and I’ll always consider myself lucky to do so.” Coach Harley also teaches middle school PE/Health in LCSD #1 at both Johnson JHS and Carey JHS. Coach Harley is supported by his mother and father (Belinda and Gary) as well as his sister (Amanda), brother in law (Jeremy), and his niece and nephew (Ellie and Eli). Gary said “Not only could I not do it without their love and support , but it wouldn’t be nearly as gratifying if they weren’t with me on this journey.”